
Innovation in the flexible hoses field

In its nearly 30-year history, Miflex 2 launched several products that have later become milestones in their particular sectors.

The experience gained with the production of flexible hoses for household appliance, together with the will of our owners to use the most advanced technologies, allowed us to offer products to our customers which represent the best compromise in performance, cost and easiness of use.

This allowed us to be recognized as preferred suppliers for hose assemblies of the most important manufacturers in the appliance, scuba diving, plumbing and safety sectors.

All the automatic assembly lines that we use, have been designed and built internally, and offer a level of tests, carried out automatically on 100% of the production, that are superior to any other manufacturer in our sector.

Many of our products are covered by International patent, and our Research & Development department is always aiming to search innovative solutions to increase the reliability and quality of our production.

This research, that spans also into sectors outside the ones in which we normally operate, led us to co-operate with some of the most important worldwide manufacturing groups, for the design and development of innovative high performance hose assemblies.